During the conferences organized by the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki, which took place on March 9 and 10, in connection with the coronavirus epidemic in the world and the spread of this virus in Poland, the government decided to take decisive steps to prevent further development of this situation.
As at 10 March 2020, 17 cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed in Poland, more than 467 people are hospitalized, more than 1,000 people have been quarantined, and more than 7,000 are under epidemiological supervision. The number of infected people is expected to increase dramatically.
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced that sanitary controls will be implemented on the Polish borders, at the beginning on the border with Germany and the Czech Republic at the main crossings. Within two or three days this control is to cover all borders, also from the east. Sanitary inspections will take place at 24-hour Sanitary Inspection Points and will cover all people who cross borders.
Initially, the control will cover buses and coaches, and then it will also apply to railway transport and ports. Sanitary control will include temperature measurement, but also a location form in order to know where these people are heading.
The Prime Minister also ordered the cancellation of all mass events. This decision is motivated by the rapid growth of infected people in Western Europe, which could have been caused by meetings in large gatherings.
Minister of Health Lukasz Szumowski pointed out that seniors are most at risk of coronavirus infection and called for special care both for families who have contact with them and for seniors themselves to limit behaviors that could cause infection, such as staying in large clusters of people.
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has not yet made specific decisions regarding the functioning of educational establishments and sports events. Such messages should be expected in the coming days.