The European Commission launched the 2024 Call for Proposals under Erasmus+, the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. With a budget of €4.3 billion for next year, Erasmus+ will continue to support transnational experiences of school pupils, students in higher education and vocational education and training. The programme also offers opportunities to adult learners, educators and staff, and young people in non-formal learning programmes.
The call includes the further support for the European Universities Initiative, with possible support for establishing new alliances. The European Universities alliances are a flagship initiative of the European strategy for universities. The Commission's ambition under this initiative is to expand from currently 50 to 60 European Universities alliances involving more than 500 higher education institutions by mid-2024.
The Commission is currently preparing the mid-term evaluation of the ongoing Erasmus+ programme (2021-2027) and the final evaluation of the predecessor programme (2014-2020). It will be submitted to the Council, European Parliament, Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee.
Source : European Commission official