Dear All, We would like to inform you about the possibility of obtaining a non-returnable grants for investments and R&D projects from the Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020. Among the calls available in 2016, we would like to draw your attention in particular to the following most interesting ones:
- SUPPORT FOR R&D PROJECTS: Submeasure 1.1.1, call for proposals until July 29th (call for SMEs) and until July 11th (call for large companies)
Submeasure 1.1.1 Industrial research and development works conducted by enterprises- the submeasure provides non-returnable support for companies (both SMEs and large companies) for industrial research and development works. The subject of the project will be research on technological solutions and products, which inscribes in one of so-called National smart specializations (which are presented in the attached presentation). The call for SMEs (budget: PLN 750 million) is to be opened from April 4
th until July 29
th this year. The call for large companies (budget: PLN 1000 million) is to be opened from June 1
st until July 11
th this year.
- SUPPORT FOR R&D PROJECTS: Submeasure 1.1.2, call for proposals until August 12th
(call for large companies)
Submeasure 1.1.2 R&D associated with the creation of a pilot/demonstration installation offers support for projects covering development works, including construction of demonstration installation for testing of the subject of above mentioned works under realistic and operational conditions. Call for proposals (only for large companies) is to be opened from July 6
th until August 12
th this year. The budget of the call is PLN 500 million.
- INVESTMENT SUPPORT: Submeasure 3.2.1, call for proposals until August 31st (call for SMEs)
Submeasure 3.2.1 Research to the market supports projects of SMEs concerning implementation of R&D results (conducted by the company itself or to its order), leading to the start of production of new products or services. Part of the project, in addition to the investment, may also be development works and consultancy. The call for proposals (budget: PLN 1000 million) is to be opened from June 1st until August 31st this year.
- INVESTMENT SUPPORT: Submeasure 3.2.2, call for proposals until September (call for SMEs)
Within the Submeasure 3.2.2 Credit for technological innovation support may be granted to companies from SME sector planning the realization of investment involving:
- the purchase and implementation of new technology, which would be the basis to start the production of new or significantly improved (in relation to those manufactured in Poland so far) products, processes or services;
- implementation of own new technology, which would be the basis to start the production of new or significantly improved (in relation to those manufactured in Poland so far) products, processes or services. Call for proposals is to be opened from July until September this year. The budget of the call is PLN 500 million.
- SUPPORT FOR R&D INFRASTRUCTURE IN COMPANIES: Measure 2.1, call for proposals until April 29th (call No 1) and until October 31st (call No 2)
Measure 2.1 Support for investment in R&D infrastructure of enterprises supports investments in apparatus, equipment, technologies and other infrastructure necessary to conduct R&D works.
The effect of the measure implementation will be creation of R&D departments and laboratories in enterprises and creation of R&D centers. The first call for proposals (budget: PLN 1000 million) is currently on-going; applications may be submitted until April 29th. The second one (budget: PLN 460 million) is to be opened from September 1st until October 31st. Below you will find links to the presentations of above mentioned measures. We will be pleased to answer any of your questions; our consultants are at your disposal.