The spread of SARS-COV-2 virus has forced countries in the whole world to take measures which aim at counteracting a further negative development of this situation. There were taken steps in order to protect lives and health of citizens, including restrictions on the functioning of various economy branches, which result global scale problems.
Owing to the limitations, not only do many enterprises suffer the consequences, which are not able to conduct their activities, but also employees who face the effects in the form of salary reductions and job losses.
In order to suggest solutions that would alleviate the consequences of global crisis, in the past weeks Polish government elaborated acts which aim at combating the state of epidemy and proposed instruments supporting enterprises, so called Anti-crisis Packages 1.0 and 2.0.
One of the forms of assistance is to support financial liquidity by financing salaries and granting loans.
According to the provisions of the acts, all entrepreneurs registering a decrease in turnover can count on co-financing of salaries for a specified period, provided that the relevant conditions are met. The co-financing also includes social security contributions (ZUS).
Micro-entrepreneurs can additionally count on loans from the Labor Fund up to PLN 5.000 with the option of write-off on appropriate terms. Self-employed persons and persons who perform activities under civil law contracts may apply for benefits for suspension of economic activities on the basis of a declaration confirming their material standing.
Micro, small and medium enterprises, which as of February 1, 2020 did not have arrears in the payment of ZUS contributions and taxes, can benefit from bank loans with de minimis guarantee from BGK, which can cover up to 80% of the loan value with an extended period of the guarantee up to 39 months.
Enterprises, depending on their size and level of employment, as well as self-employed workers can also exercise the right to partial or total exemption from the payment of contributions. The exemption applies to social security contributions, health insurance, Labor Fund, Solidarity Fund, Guaranteed Employee Benefits Fund, Transition Pensions Fund
Each of the social security or health insurance contribution payers may apply for deferment or dividing into installment of ZUS contributions, irrespective of the size of the enterprise and the period of business activity.
The Anti-crisis Package also provides solutions in the legal matters that are aimed at improving the functioning of companies. The changes concern, among others, suspension of the obligation to perform periodic and initial medical examinations, or the possibility of remote OHS training. Employers have the right to limit the number of working hours and to conclude an agreement with employees on applying less favorable working conditions. All deadlines for administrative law as well as procedural and substantive law are suspended.
The acts also take into account the use of electronic means of communication in the functioning of companies. The new regulations allow for submitting a declaration of intent without a personal signature, as well as for conducting meetings using electronic means.
A detailed summary of solutions proposed by the Anti-crisis Packages can be found in the following file: