During the press conference, the Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, announced 10 anti-crisis measures for the entrepreneurs most affected by the temporary shutdown of the economy.
10 anti-crisis measures for businesses include:
1. Co-financing for fixed costs for SMEs in the sectors most affected by the restrictions
Subsidies from the Financial Package managed by the Polish Development Fund (PFR) in the amount of up to 70% of fixed costs not covered by revenues, provided that revenues decrease by 30% compared to the same period in 2019.
2. Write-off of grants from the PFR Financial Package for sectors subject to health restrictions
Write-off of grants from the PFR for SMEs in sectors subject to health restrictions, provided that a company registers a cumulative decrease in revenues from March 2020 to March 2021 of at least 30%.
3. Extension of the Financial Package for Large Enterprises until 31 March 2021 (applications) and 31 June 2020 (payments).
Modification of the rules for calculating the damage caused by COVID-19 in preferential loans from the current period March 2020 - August 2020 to the period March 2020 - March 2021, in accordance with the original form of the program.
4. Long-term loans with guarantees
Continuation of de minimis guarantees for SMEs and liquidity guarantees for large enterprises. Consultations with the European Commission on the possibility of co-financing to cover loan installments for a period of 6 years for the sectors affected by the restrictions.
5. Co-financing for employment
Continuation of job subsidies from the Guaranteed Workers Benefits in the form of idle time pay and reduction of working hours.
6. Extension of the idle time pay for sectors subject to health restrictions
7. Exemption from payment of ZUS contributions for sectors subject to health restrictions
8. Co-financing for the change in activity scope within the program Grants to Enterprises for sectors subject to health restrictions
The increase in the grant amount from 6 to 8 times of the average salary and the extension of co-financing not only for new activities, but also for changes in the scope of current activities. Co-financing provided by the District Labor Office.
9. Co-financing of the Industrial Development Agency for the costs related to company restructuring (Second Chance Policy)
10. Leasing co-financing for the transport sector
During the press conference they also announced further restrictions in Poland related to the Covid-19 epidemic, which entered into force on Saturday, 7 November 2020, and will remain applicable until 29 November 2020 with the possibility of their modification or extension.
The most important restrictions include:
- closure of most shops in shopping centers. The only shops that will remain open are grocery stores, pharmacies, renovation and construction shops, pet shops, newsagents and other service shops;
- in shops with a floor area up to 100 m2, there will be allowed 1 person for every 10 m2and in shops with an area over 100 m2- 1 person for every 15 m2;
- all hotels will only be available for guests on business trips;
- closure of theaters, cinemas, museums, art galleries, social centers, music centers, etc .;
- in churches 1 person will be allowed for every 15 m2;
- all elementary school classes will switch to distance learning.