The whole of Poland will be a single large economic zone
The President signed a law on support for new investment. According to the law, the whole of Poland will be a single large economic zone. The current economic zones cover 25 thousand hectares, which makes up only 0.08% of the country. Support will now be available for any location, regardless of the size of the municipality.
The creation of the first SEZs was made possible by the adoption of the Special Economic Zones Act on 20 October 1994. The oldest are less than 15 years old, but their rapid development has had a significant impact on the regions in which they operate. The new Law on New Investment Support, which will enter into force in July 2018, allows the use of the support throughout Poland. Poland is divided into areas that remain the responsibility of managers who carry out tasks in the field of support for new investment. The decision on support is issued by the Ministry responsible for the economy at the request of an entrepreneur applying for support, including a plan for the implementation of a new investment (in practice, the manager of the areas under the mandate of the Ministry).
The law is new, which can mean longer periods for accepting applications. A draft decree has been submitted to the law, which has not yet been approved by the Senate on the date of preparation of this document, meaning that it may still be subject to minor amendments.
Presentation - The Act on supporting new investments (June 2018)DOWNLOAD
Di Gilio
Orizzonti d'Europa