A slow recovery for Polish industry continues despite headwinds


Poland’s industrial output reading fell short of expectations in January but turned positive despite an unfavourable external environment. At the same time, PPI deflation deepened to -9.0% year-on-year. Economic recovery in 2024 will likely rely on domestic demand, while soft export demand and a strong PLN may weigh on GDP performance .

Industrial production rose by just 1.6% YoY in January , following a 3.5% YoY decline in December (data revised upwards). The improved annual growth was supported – among other things – by calendar effects.

The seasonally adjusted data indicates that the gradual recovery of Polish industry is continuing despite a number of unfavourable factors. Industrial production recorded a slight decline of -0.2% month-on-month (seasonally adjusted) after a very strong December, when growth was around +2.9% MoM. Production in manufacturing (where there is no impact of volatile data from the energy sector) also increased by 1.6% YoY (NSA).

Among the major divisions of industry, the largest increases were in repair, maintenance of machinery and equipment (32.4% YoY), manufacture of passenger cars, trailers and semi-trailers (21.0% YoY) and other transport equipment (20.4% YoY). The deepest declines were in the manufacture of electrical equipment (-26.2% YoY), coal mining (-15.3% YoY) and the manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products (-9.2% YoY). In the main groupings, the production of capital goods and non-durable consumer goods increased, while production of intermediate, energy and durable consumer goods decreased. This suggests weak export demand (low production of intermediate goods) and a cautious attitude from consumers towards purchases of durable goods.

Source : GUS Poland

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